The Camera Centre
Camera Centre


it’s easy to make perfect prints from photos

The week in pictures

We are now offering fans of the Camera Centre Facebook page the opportunity to have their image(s) featured on our ‘The Week in Pictures’ feature at

Each week you are invited to send us your pictures and a selection of these will be published each Saturday and Sunday on the Shetland News website.

What kind of pictures can I submit?

There is no theme, so you can upload any interesting picture(s) you have taken during the week.

Here are a few suggestions:

  • Newsworthy photos
  • Landscapes
  • Events
  • Wildlife
  • Nature
  • Lifestyle
  • People
Submit your pictures
This week in pictures image

How do I upload my pictures?

Photos can be uploaded on the Camera Centre Facebook page here as a comment in the weekly ‘The Week in Pictures’ post, or hashtag your photos with #ccweekinpictures on Instagram here. We also require a caption to accompany each photo.

Does it matter when the picture was taken?

The picture must have been taken during the week that led up to ‘The Week in Pictures’ feature.

Is there a limit to the number of photos I can submit?


How many pictures will be chosen each week

A maximum of 10 photographs will be uploaded to the Shetland News gallery page each week.

Who decides on the photos that appear each week?

Shetland News editors will have the final say on pictures featured each week.

Need assistance?


Tel: 01595 694345

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