it’s easy to make perfect prints from photos
Even if you don’t have the negative for an old or favourite photograph, we can produce high quality black and white or colour prints. Our copying system ensures the best reproduction and the prints are archival which means they’ll last for generations to come.
We can copy prints from 4x6” to poster size. Quality will depend on the original we are copying from. Our team will advise you of the most suitable sizes.
Please ensure you own the copyright of images submitted for copying. We are unable to make prints from professional photographs, or those with the copyright symbol on the front or reverse, except where written authority is given from the holder of the copyright.
£2.50 to scan your original picture (maximum size A4) + the price of print size chosen.
If your original picture(s) to be scanned is larger than A4, the scanning price is worked out on a per picture basis.
Note: The scanning price is a one-off cost as we keep all scanning orders on our archive, so if you want extra copies in the future, you only pay the cost of the print(s).
If you have large pieces of artwork to be duplicated, we can arrange for this to be photographed by Ben Mullay Photography at his studio in Scalloway. Please contact us for more information.
If you have a large quantity of pictures to be scanned, you may be interested in our Shoebox Scanning Service - click HERE to find out more about this service.
Tel: 01595 694345
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Where To Find Us
72 Commercial St., Lerwick,
Shetland ZE1 0DL
Tel: 01595 694345
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